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Proper Crushing Method can Improve the Ore Crushing Efficiency

Choose proper crushing method according to the mechanical strength feature of the ores can make ore crushing more efficient and effective. Crushing method refers to the way the crushing force on the materials to be crushed. At present the crushing of ore and rock almost all adopts mechanical crushing method, and the application method of the crushing forces of crushing machines basically include crushing, splitting, bending, grinding and impacting. Choosing proper crushing method can effectively improve the ore crushing efficiency.

impact crusher

Adopting the crushing force with the minimum anti-breaking strength is the easiest way to crush ores, but in the crushing process, the selection of crushing method is determined by the crushing force. Ore crushing and ore grinding has distinct differences as ore crushing machine mainly crushes materials with crushing force plus bending, while ore grinding mill mainly relies on impacting plus grinding. Splitting is mainly used when processing coal sheet with low strength.

Impact ore crushing is mainly in the action form of dynamic load whose crushing effect is better than that of static load. When a crusher is working, its working parts also act on the ores in the form of dynamic load with a certain impacting effect. If the load exceeds the fatigue limit, increasing the times of repeated impacting can also decrease the stress needed for ore crushing. For this reason, high frequency impact crushing also has good crushing effect such as low energy consumption, big crushing ratio, low over-crushing ratio and easy dissociation of useful minerals with coarse granularity. Impact crusher and vibrating ball mill have the feature of high frequency impacting.

The application method of ore crushing should conform to the property of the ores to be crushed to get good crushing effect. As for hard ores, bending plus impacting should be used, and if grinding method is used, the machine will be seriously abraded. As for crisp ores, bending and splitting method is good, and if grinding method is used, then the content of fine powders will be high in the final products. Grinding method is good when processing ores with big tenacity and stickiness.

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