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How to Choose the Suitable Sand Washer in Sand Production Line?

Sand washer is becoming more and more important in sand production line, and there are more and more various types of sand washers appearing in the national and international market, which is one important question for the customers who want to select from those complicated sizes? Today the responsible administrator who is coming from Hongxing will give some important tips.

As the experts of Hongxing introduced, the sand washer is just like the words it writes, which is one mining machine which is used to wash the sand which is used in building construction and other industries, that is to say, sand washer is designed to get rid of the coarse material from the water operation in order to get the fine good finished raw material which is qualified and clean, and which

Every province of our nation has the different percentage of sand according to the analysis on the geographical situation, so that is the reason why the customers should choose the suitable mining sand washer on the basis of the local situation in order not to cause some damage beyond remedy.

The sand washer in the market can be divided into spiral sand washer and wheel bucket sand washer, which have the different performance characteristics and which has some merits belonging to themselves, such as the spiral sand washer has the higher rate of being cleaner, but its flowing rate is also higher at the same time, so the customer should choose one mining sand washer according to its practical requirement in the reality.

Hongxing designs one special combination of spiral sand washer and wheel bucket sand washer in order to realize the target of the best quality sand in the operation, which not only can guarantee the quality of sand output, but also can reach the purpose of qualified sand.

The building construction of city and highway will be on the list of rapid development in the future, and the higher quality aggregate will be needed in the buildings with higher quality, so the higher level sand will boost the basic construction into one rapid pathway of economic construction.

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